Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1st Month Anniversary!

So....today has been my one month anniversary of not eating factory farm meat. I am proud to say that I am 100% positive I will be sticking to this - dare I say - lifestyle choice. I have never felt better in my life physically. I also have no guilt when I do decide to eat meat because I know that it is coming from an animal that was treated humanely, was fed the right diet, and was not pumped full of hormones or antibiotics. Not to mention that I've lost 5 pounds since I began this diet! Woohoo!

I decided this was going to be my New Year's resolution and figured I'd keep it up as long as I could. I knew that I wouldn't be able to have meat any time I wanted, and I was really worried about that drastic change. However, I can honestly say not eating meat every day really hasn't fazed me. I know I could never go full on vegetarian or vegan because I do love me some steak! : ) But, through this way of eating, I've found a solution to eat what I want without guilt but also what my body needs.

As hard as it was to be made aware of how food gets from the field to the plate (I can assure you - it's not a pretty process), I feel in control of my life now because I get to choose what I put in my body instead of just relying on the food industry to have the consumer's best interest at heart. I'll let you in on a big secret they don't want you to know - THE FOOD INDUSTRY IS ONLY CONCERNED WITH MAKING MONEY. PERIOD. They do things the cheapest and quickest way possible, which never fares well for the animal/crops or the consumer. Like I've always said, I'm not going to preach or try to change anyone's mind. I do, however, urge you to do your own research, so that you will be aware of how things go on and you can make your own decision. Thanks for reading!


  1. Don't know if you remember but I went without meat during Lent one year. It was quite a challenge to find places to eat. It was a good thing to do; I might do it again this year.

  2. Another little secret people don't want you to know: The WORLD is only concerned with making money. Period. At least, America is. And they call it a dream...


    Proud of you for sticking with your decision!
